January 17, 2015

A Drive Through the Black Forest

Enchanted castles, trees with faces, and images of a red-caped little girl flash by the car windows as we wind our way up twisted mountain roads in the cloud of a summer storm.  Der Schwarzwald.  The Black Forest.  It is literally the stuff of legends, having fueled imaginations and fears for hundreds of years.  The fog veils the road, like the mists of malevolent magic, and I shiver with appreciation at my first encounter with this living legend.

Located just a short car ride west of Stuttgart in Germany's state of Baden-Württemberg, the Black Forest offers hundreds of well-maintained tracks and trails through the mountains it covers for an up-close look at these famous woods.  Heavy downpours and a biting breeze prevented us from exploring any trails that day, but we were not disappointed by our visit -- the gloomy weather accentuated the Forest's brooding reputation and stoked my own imagination.  I could almost hear the rancorous cackle of the witch as she prepared to cook Hansel and Gretel.

For more reflections about the Black Forest, check out Margo's visit on The Overseas Escape when the Forest wore quite a different mood!

Have you visited the Schwarzwald?

Linking up with Adelina of Pack Me To for the #SundayTraveler!