August 26, 2015

Destination Guessing Game!

"Oh, where will I go? One final clue...
The destination is not one, but actually two!
Do you know these two spires & where they reside?
If you do, our destinations you’ll correctly surmise!"

Good thing I didn't try to get a job writing poetry! So if you keep up with my Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, you'll know that we're leaving on a jet plane... next week! It's the second-most last-minute trip we've ever had, and I'm dubbing it the "Babymoon" as it's now all but guaranteed to be our last international trip before Baby Gypsy arrives. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to have people guess the destinations to win a postcard of the correct guess! Think you recognize the two pictures above? Leave a comment here, on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook! I'll reveal the answer tonight!

What was the most last-minute international trip you've been on?


  1. I'll just keep tossing out guesses! Poland?

  2. Germany! Wish I was going back to Rothenburg :)

    1. I owe you a postcard! :) I meant to send it straight from Germany, but circumstances beyond my control intervened. If you email me your address (, I'll get it posted! :)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your comments, feedback, and suggestions.